Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Blueprints Of Sand Rail

everything happened today. Early in the morning I get a mail telling me where you find old, after having given so many around the bush, the reason for all this challenge. During long nights I tried in vain to discover the why, that cold August night, I dropped the familiar phrase: "I want to run the Tetra." An oversight, a slip of the tongue, an outburst of the unconscious. Coincidentally a few days ago I quoted Freud, who surely would feast on this particular case. It turns out that this does not start for seven months, but 32 years ago, in a shrill morning April 1978. I can know this for sure because the next image that came attached in the mail from my old (contents, for strictly personal reasons, will never come to light.)

Yes, gentlemen, I am training to run this race since he was three, and even I knew. Since that first training with my father-my-ídiolo'm destined to run races. The life I wanted to divert the path, distract me with music, philosophy and many other things. But clearly understood at such a young age to cultivate physical fitness is a source of happiness (perhaps blur the image does not allow see flawless smile that it was me, so long ago).

Anyway, after this emotional shock, and despite the rain forecast, I had no choice but to go for a run. And I did, but with a breathtaking sunset. The road to all covered with snow Lolog never ceases to amaze, astonish. And the sun I confirmed once again that weather forecasts are meaningless. I do not believe in them. I do believe in the forces of nature, if we can believe in communion with them, if I believe in the fumes, in rituals, mystical experiences. For this reason, it matters little what is forecast for the day of Tetra. The mountain and its mysteries certainly accompany me on a journey that promises to be not only memorable, but also crucial in my insignificant existence.

While running I could understand why my old enthusiasm to run those last 100 meters. me. For him, who will accompany you on this journey is that little boy who learned to run to his side. Impossible not to get sentimental. So, I came home thinking of my beloved daughters. And using the sun and snow, there was no better choice to make with them, a snowman (and I apologize this picture right now has nothing to do with training, but that I, perhaps in the future yes, and incidentally serves for brokers who have not come to see that the amount of snow is very interesting).

By tade I spent at my coach to look for Adri. Polish some details of the end of training, made a list of essentials for the race day, we adjust our timers and talked about the tremendous roast we're going to eat. When I was leaving, with an air of triumph, of the house of my coach "Who comes? The Archi. Adriana came to look. And of the blue ask me do you like sweaters? While I was desolocado by the question, said yes, so we agreed to go to his house, as I said which has a beautiful blue sweater happen. How great arch, I thought. Come to your house and falls with a heavy sweater and thin for me. Moved, hug him and thank him for this. How long trousers, he asks next. 40, 41, titubiante answer. And come, she says, and goes down to the time with two snow boots im-pre-sio-nan-ing. Of these fully waterproof, brought directly from the United States. Gaping in disbelief, grateful, give it a second embrace the Archi and I leave her house with a sweater and shoes, brand under his arm. And I think how great the Archi, what a good boy, how nice gesture, what he threw. And just before we parted, "I guess I launches that this is no longer needed tetra finish, no? And I understand everything. A smack of desperation, the last cartridges you know who lost. That or, entering reason, an obvious trap. The perfect sweater can be packed with any type of virus, boots contain substances harmful to the feet. Finally, ten days one can expect anything. Of course, having no concrete evidence on these suspicions, I laughed at the joke of the well and left with my beautiful gifts: Thanks Archi, you're a boss!


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