Monday, February 14, 2011

Fatigue And Parotid Gland


STATEMENT: The Employers continually complain of the statement Madrid. And they are right. Be much improved. This winter, the G10 were proposed joint action to avoid one-sided statements. The entrepreneurs said that "it belonged to the entrepreneurial freedom." Nothing, garlic and water. If you do not like, get out. And not worth complaining after the "free enterprise." Or claim that others will pay the statement. ! What sector!.
MONEY FIGURES: They complain that the figures do not lower the cache in times of crisis. It is popular because it is never spoken of what they earn. Why?.
could be money down the figures, provided that lower their ticket prices. No?. Then there is free trade. If you are not interested or unable to, why hire them?. ! What sector!.
If we become aware, employers are never heard of having a project, solutions, new ideas. They always talk about cutting sheets and figures. That is, the Feast of the cut. The project that is. Forward flight, and be cut under the circumstances. Until we reach the situation of Barcelona. Have you heard any plans this winter Anoeta? A speech future. " ! What sector!.
TV RIGHTS: The TV goes to the fairs, because there are figures (Juli, Manzanares, Ponce, Castella ...). TV money generate the figures. Does not say Choperita is that the figures are approx. 20% of TV rights. The rest? To be shared between farmers, bullfighters modest and crews, which are part of that pie migajas.Gran it is .... THE EMPLOYER.
words, figures, I do a lot of money. A Choperita now, let the fresh in the previous stage. (A non-bullfighters figures, most, $ 3,000 shipped with image rights). And that money is generated by the figures.
victimization discourse against the figures, I buy some media and fans happy. ! What sector!.
"WORK? . Choperita son says to do the posters is a headache. What it says is that placed the figures 7-8, the rest is quite solo.A hired for SMS, and many others, they discover their absence or presence of the press.
but also out of contract bulls bullfighters. What is it?. Nothing. And it is not enough. 50 years ago, yes. Not anymore. The role of an employer is not hiring bullfighters. Is to promote the party and amateur bullfighting culture, public and society. And the sign is a form, but not unique. The mentality of the twenty-first century must be different. ! What sector!.
G10: Is the G10 serving joke among businessmen, journalists and fans. Notice the questions and answers of the interviews yesterday. The issue to me is starting to suck. The only people who have drawn up a plan (but do not go well), and get them. I torero if the G10, would leave the ship. And get them. G10 almost all have their future and the barn insured. The work is not for them, but for the future, and so appreciate it. Each other. ! What sector!.
UNION "? . Here is why Choperita. The union of all is impossible. that is precisely what we have always defended this blog . But he has failed to add that how the union is impossible, is to them, bull industry and sector largoplacista agent, responsible for carrying out necessary reforms. ! What sector!
Lozano-Choperita : The future?. Two men who joined and a half centuries (150 years approx.) Say they are the future of Las Ventas. What place they buy their dicursos world, their business models, their ways of being and doing?. ! What sector!.

NOTE: What reforms need to do?. In this should be the means and are not taurinos.Pero. regeneration in the Fiesta will not start until they say, that the great problem of the Fiesta is structural, and that the main culprits is the structural part of the festival. Ie Anoeta and BIG BUSINESS HOUSES. They are the ones who have spent decades in this world. Those who have not created an industry with musculature social, cultural, economic, with a speech with the times, and a system of promotion and dissemination of the Fiesta. And now, at worst, it's late.
regeneration will not start until you say no to choppers, Choperitas, Canora, Matillas, Lozano ... etc, etc, which are very bad. Their speeches, their forms and their business models are outdated. When we do this, we can begin addressing some things .
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Promoters Taurinos.
Photo: abc.


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